Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Introduction to Counterbalance; my 2014 challenge to only buy clothing made in the USA.

This blog will be tracking my 2014 challenge of only buying clothing made domestically in the USA.
This challenge was prompted by my experience working in the global apparel industry, and my research over the past several years in American manufactured clothing.

I have created this blog as a way to hold myself accountable and track all of my shopping and purchasing experiences not only for myself but for anyone else out there looking for a more local way to shop for clothing.

My goals for this challenge are to:
1. Counterbalance (get it?) my working for a global apparel company manufacturing clothing overseas.
2. Discover more brands/labels that are manufacturing their clothing here in the US.
3. And to change the way I shop and consume clothing.

Now of course I have given myself a few caveats to this challenge.
1. I am still allowed to shop/purchase clothing from Thrift/Vintage stores
2. Shoes are not included in this challenge, although I will try my hardest to find some shoes that are manufactured here in the USA.

This challenge also means that since I work for a global apparel company manufacturing overseas, I will not be able to purchase any of the products that company makes.  Which will be difficult as the employee store is quite convenient:)

So join me on my 2014 journey and feel free to comment below and share your thoughts!
I look forward to seeing how this challenge grows and develops.